With all of the marketing articles I've read and written, I have yet to find one that covers all of the basics at once. I think that this may be because there is just too much information to cover in a few words. Despite this worry, I'm going to attempt it. Obviously, this article will be an overview, not an in depth affair.

I will cover six basic marketing subjects: Market Research, Search Engines, E-zine Advertising, Email Marketing, Local Promotion, and Offline Marketing.

Market Research
This is the most basic part of any marketing campaign - whether it be a $50 e-zine advertisement or a $5 million dollar blitz. If you don't know your target market and how to reach them; if you don't know the value of the message you're attempting to convey; if you don't know the answer to all the pertinent questions…your advertising will fail.

The most basic step in researching your market is to first have a "target." This me ... Read more »

Views: 1349 | Added by: Blade | Date: 2020-05-08 | Comments (0)